What are the steps in the web design process?

The first step in our web design process is an initial consultation where we discuss the ultimate goal for your website. We'll also talk about how you expect your website to function (what do you want your visitors to do when they arrive at your site) and how it will look. Finally, we'll talk about your budget. Once you hire us, we will install the software you need to make your website work and create a template design. You will have an opportunity to review and approve the template design at that point. What revisions have been made and you've approved the final template design, we'll begin adding content to your page: page copy, blog posts, images, products, etc. Your website will go through a round of revisions at your request, and then we'll hand the keys to you. At that point, either you maintain and update your website content yourself, or you hire us to manage your website for you.